April 11, 2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
This is a one-day version of the IDC Course. The IDC Program applies the principals of the Intuitive Defense Shooting Program to the world of semi-automatic rifles. Stressing efficiency, working with what the body does naturally and training in context, Intuitive Defense Carbine is a progressive and dynamic course. Students will engage in a variety of shooting drills and maneuvers designed to make their shooting (sighted and unsighted) more intuitive. In addition to the fundamentals of close quarters defensive rifling, students will be guided through handling techniques and understanding how a variety of factors affect their balance between speed and precision with a carbine. Improvised shooting positions for heightened precision capabilities (smaller targets & ranges out to 150 yards) will also be covered.
Open to:
General Public / Law Enforcement / Military / Private Security
Course Eligibility:
No Prerequisites
Cost: $275
Please bring the following gear to the course:
- Carbine with a preferred sling (single, 2- or 3-point)
- Good quality gear for your particular defensive rifle use setup, your gear should be of sufficient quality to withstand heavy training use.
- 500 rounds of rifle ammunition
- Students are welcome to bring extra ammunition, as there will be certain drills where round count can be easily increased.
- 4 rifle magazines, spares if you feel they are necessary.
- Eye and ear protection
- Sunscreen, bug spray, and/or sufficient protective clothing based on the forecast weather conditions. If you serve or are employed in an armed capacity, we recommend you train with your duty gear.
Students should arrive at 8:30AM and be ready to begin class by 9:00AM. Plan on about an hour lunch break, and an ending time of between 5-6PM. There is a debriefing at the end of the day.
Venue: Doswell Range
Please read/follow the below rules carefully.
- When you get to the end of Doswell road there is a farm gate, if it is closed then just stay at the gate. That means we are not on the range yet.
- If the gate is open, proceed down range, when you get to the house the road turns to your right (see map attached) stay to the right and proceed to the range. Please park “up-range” (at the back of the range). (SEE PAGE 3 OF ATTACHMENT)
- DO NOT go over 10mph on road leading to the house, the range owner leaves his windows open and when people go over 10mph the dust goes right in his house when they drive by the house to go to the range.
- DO NOT HANDLE your guns when you get on the range, no handling in your car either. If you are carrying and have one in the pipe, that is fine. Keep the gun in your holster, NO ADMINISTRATIVE handling. We will give you an opportunity on the line to clear and or change out your carry ammo for your range ammo. If you get to the range and your gun is NOT on your person and in a holster, i.e. a bag/case, that is also fine, leave it that way until you are given explicit instruction to retrieve your gun.
- IF YOU SMOKE, do not throw your buts on the ground on the property, bring a bottle to place your butts in.
- Pickup and carry out your trash. Or place it in the trash can on the range.
- Pick up your brass at the end of the day. You can take our your own brass if you like. Otherwise, brass goes in the bucket on the range.
- DO NOT explore the property, stay at the range and do not continue past range down the road. (SEE PAGE 3 OF attachment)
- DO NOT go over 10mph on road leading to the house, he leaves his windows open and when people go over 10mph the dust goes right in his house when they drive by the house to go to the range.
- There is plumbing on site, so there are legit restroom facilities and running water in a detached garage about 150 yards from the range.