April 3, 2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
The Fundamentals of IDS is a one day course that will expose the student to all the core principles and fundamentals of the Intuitive Defense Shooting Program. This course will cover the basics of intuitive defensive shooting, Combat Accuracy, The Balance of Speed & Precision, an introduction to the understanding the Body’s Natural Reactions during a Dynamic Critical Incident, understanding the integration of lateral motion and additional concepts as time allows.
This Course will provide the student with an understanding of true Counter Ambush training with a defensive firearm, base level defensive shooting skills and a training methodology for continuing to develop those skills.
The 1-day course requires a minimum of 400 rounds of ammunition.
Open to:
General Public / Law Enforcement / Military / Private Security
Course Eligibility:
No Prerequisites
Cost: $280 + Ammunition
Venue: South River Gun Club
Venue Phone: 770-786-3752
Venue Website: http://southrivergunclub.com/
See below and use the link or call the number listed. If you call please press 0 to get out of the automated system and ask for the front desk. Tell them you are coming in for Atlanta 3-Gun and want our rate. Atlanta 3-Gun rates are for all events hosted by Atlanta 3-Gun or Atlanta Practical Shooters.