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  • April 18, 2019 - April 19, 2019
    9:00 am - 5:30 pm

The Intuitive Defense Shooting Program is an Intuitive shooting program designed to help the student be more Efficient with a defensive firearm in the context of a Dynamic Critical Incident.

This course is two full days of intense training, teaching, and practice. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting & Intuitive Skill Development
  • Combat Accuracy
  • Lateral Motion
  • The Balance of Speed & Precision
  • The Critical Incident Reload
  • Volume of Fire
  • Realistic Training for Multiple Target Engagement
  • Understanding the Body’s Natural Reactions during a Dynamic Critical Incident
  • The Skill Development Cycle
  • One Handed & Weak Handed Shooting
  • Non-Diagnostic Linear Malfunction Clearing
  • Shooting in Motion (When, How & Why)

The Intuitive Defense Shooting Course is not designed to make you the best shooter you can be on the range, rather its goal is to help you quickly develop fundamental skills that you can apply in a worst case scenario defensive shooting situation.

IDS is based on years of constantly evolving information about how the body works and what really happens during Dynamic Critical Incidents and has been heavily influenced by the diverse group of instructors that are certified to teach it and the thousands of students who have been through courses all around the world. The program features a variety of specialty drills and training methods that the student will be able to utilize in their own practice after the course in order to continue to develop their abilities.

Students will fire a minimum of 800 rounds.

Students are welcome to bring extra ammunition, as there will be certain drills where round count can easily be increased."

Open to:
General Public / Law Enforcement / Military / Private Security

Course Eligibility
No Prerequisites

Cost: $500 + Ammunition

Please bring the following gear to the course:

  • Pistol
  • Good quality belt, holster and magazine carrier that can withstand heavy use
  • 1000 rounds of ammunition
  • At least 3 magazines for high capacity double stack firearms, 5 plus magazines for single stack firearms.
  • Eye and ear protection.
  • Comfort items such as sunscreen, bug spray, snacks, and drinks.

If you serve or are employed in an armed capacity, we recommend you train with your duty gear. For concealed carry permit holders, we recommend that you start the course with an outside the waistband holster, but bring your concealed carry rig if you want to get some reps using that setup.

Students should arrive at 8:30AM and be ready to begin class by 9:00AM. Plan on about an hour lunch break both days, and an ending time of between 5-6PM each day. There is a debriefing at the end of day two.


Venue Phone: (203) 457-9901

Venue Website:

4158 Durham Rd, Guilford, Connecticut, 06437, United States