Mike McElmeel – Marion, IA
319 270 3856| mike@eighteenzulu.com |http://www.eighteenzulu.comBio:
Mike is a 22 year veteran of the United States Army having served as a paratrooper andSpecial Forces Operator. During his military career Mike served as an Infantryman, Indirect fire Infantryman, Special Operations Weapons NCO, Military Freefall Instructor, Special Operations Assistant Operations and Intelligence NCO and Special Operations Senior NCO. Mike has numerous deployments to hostile fire areas to include Sinai, Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. Mike retired in 2004 as a Special Forces Master Sergeant. Currently he is working as a Paramedic and Reserve Law Enforcement officer.
Mike has had a lifelong passion for teaching and training. Previously he served as a United States Parachute Association Accelerated Freefall Instructor and Static Line Parachute Instructor. During his military career he was rated as a Military Freefall Instructor, Tandem Master, Military Freefall Jumpmaster Instructor and Advanced Freefall Instructor. In 1997,Mike was named the United States Army Military Freefall Instructor of the Year.
Mike continues to train and brings that passion for training to his firearms instruction. His instruction draws on his years of military firearms experience, teaching foreign nationals, host nation forces and US military members and the hundreds of civilians he has trained in concealed carry and personal defense. Mike is a member of the Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors. Mike holds ratings as an I.C.E Training Company Defensive Firearms Coach and Intuitive Defensive Shooting Instructor. Additionally Mike is an NRA Instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer and an American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor.
Why CFS:
I teach Intuitive Defensive Shooting (CFS), quite simply, because it makes sense. If an individual trains for the worst case scenario, the counter ambush scenario, then that individual will be, by default, training for any other type of scenario. CFS works with what the body does naturally. The training methodology does not assume some mythological amount of skill that will be applied at the precise moment of a dynamic critical incident. In the military we were always told “You go to war with the army you have not the army you want.” Training for self-defense should mirror this philosophy. Realistic training lessens the need for improvisation at the moment of truth.
From the first time I experienced the CFS philosophy I knew it fit my personality. The integrity of the training and the high standard the instructors hold themselves to is exactly what the general public needs to prepare themselves for the worst day of their lives. If you should be involved in a violent encounter, no one will be standing next to you handing you a score-card. Prior preparation with realistic training will aid you in surviving. CFS is continually evolving to provide the most up-to-date training based on logic, fact and empirical evidence.
I can give no higher accolades to this training methodology than the fact I personally have recommended it to members of my family. I believe they are better prepared and I would like you to be as well.
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