Jeffrey Abraham – Atlanta, GA
678-386-7806| Jeffrey@NotRightShooters.com |www.NotRightShooters.comBio:
Jeffrey Abraham has been involved in the firearms industry for over 20 years as the founder of Not Right Shooters, a principal in Atlanta 3 Gun Enterprises, instructor and a competitive shooter in many disciplines. He is a certified Intuitive Defensive Shooting Instructor for I.C.E. Training Company, as well as an NRA certified instructor for Pistol, Refuse to be a Victim & Personal Protection in the Home. Additionally, Jeffrey is a Chief Range Officer certified by the National Range Officers Institute (NROI), NRA Range Safety Officer and certified Glock Armor. His work within the industry and these organizations have provided him with the experience and information critical in effectively training, educating and mentoring gun owners, both current and perspective, on the defensive use of a firearm and what it means to be a responsible gun owner. Jeffrey has a unique and unabridged perspective on the responsibilities of firearm ownership.
Why IDS:
As early as my college days training in the martial arts, I came to the belief that we are responsible for our safety and the safety of the ones we love. A key tenant of martial arts training is restraint and the appropriate use of force. Over time and as my hobbies started to include shooting sports, my focus shifted to the safe and proper use of firearms.
Through my years of training in various curriculums, I found the IDS program. This was the first program that I found to be supported by real-world data and science applied to the civilian world. After training in the system for over seven years, I made the decision to become an instructor because, frankly, I believe in it and it works. More importantly, I believe in how it prepares a student of the IDS discipline to apply their skills and does not give them a false sense of their ability, as so many other training disciplines do.
I have a passion to empower, educate and train people to be better prepared for that moment when they need to respond to a bad situation. I want them to have the cognition to do the right things, in the right way, to protect themselves and those they care about.
The Intuitive Defensive Shooting program has been the best that I have found at providing those very things.
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