Jay Hawkins – Reno, NV
775-826-2626| jay@renoguns.com |http://www.renoguns.com/Bio:
Jay has lived in Reno, NV since his birth and loves what northern Nevada offers making this his home. He enlisted in the U.S. Army where he was recruited into a small highly trained Special Response Team. He returned to Reno to serve his community as a police officer and continued to serve in the Army National Guard. Jay instructed Defensive Tactics at the Regional Police Academy, Citizens Academy, High Sierra Police Academy and State P.O.S.T. Academy.
Upon retiring from the Reno Police Department with more than 25 years, he obtained several NRA certifications, teaching the Nevada & Utah Concealed Carry Permit courses for U.S. Firearms Academy.
Jay continued to expand his knowledge and training receiving training in Intuitive Defensive Shooting from the I.C.E. Training Company. He successfully completed the Defensive Firearms Coach Instructor Development course and Intuitive Defensive Shooting Instructor Development course.
Jay is currently the Training & Compliance Manager of Reno Guns & Range and is a Certified Firearms Instructor with the Nevada P.I.L.B. teaching armed professionals.
As a police officer I had an opportunity to receive a lot of training and while working the street the firsthand experience of what worked and what didn’t. I found that a lot of the training options available, though they worked in a controlled environment, didn’t work in the real world. As you could imagine, this was frustrating, a failure in the real world could result in the loss of life. What I discovered quickly is that most of the training had the common misconception that you would have some prior knowledge of an attack, you just needed to be more aware. That simply isn’t the truth, unless your job or mission is to walk into danger, if you knew something bad was going to happen to you or your family, you would avoid it. Even if you anticipate you are going into is dangerous situation, you can’t prepare for everything or the ambush.
This is the difference with Intuitive Defensive Shooting, we are training from the expectation of worst case scenario, the ambush. The CFS program is based off of Science, Empirical Data, Login and Reasoning. It is looking at our Bodies Natural Reaction and how we can become more efficient. This training instantly made since and was congruent with personal experiences. I am extremely impressed with the integrity of the instructor core, leadership and Rob Pincus in consistently striving to improve the program as evidence or science reveals a more efficient way to respond to a critical incident.
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