Jason Crotteau – Evansville, WY
307-262-2248| wyo.tactical@gmail.com |http://www.wyotac.com/Bio:
Jason lives and works in Central Wyoming. He has been involved in self defense training, both as a student and instructor since 2009. Training in multiple disciplines, he brings a wide range of experience to the table. Driven by the belief that we have a responsibility to ourselves and our communities, he has dedicated his teaching to safety, and self reliance.
Jason is a certified NRA instructor, and Intuitive Defensive Shooting Instructor. He holds credits in Small Unit Tactics, Unarmed, and Knife Defense, Trauma Aid, as well as Combat Tracking and Escape and Evasion. He is the owner, and lead instructor for Wyoming Tactical. Founded in 2015 the goal of WyoTac has been to bring the most progressive, real world defensive training to Wyoming.
Why CFS:
I had been training for several years, and had become disillusioned with the majority of training available, as it was either too basic, or didn’t apply to the reality of the civilian world. So training was very much a take what you can use affair. Most of what I had seen was based on NRA, or military training, so the application was difficult to define. I was constantly looking for better methods and techniques to bring to my students, and this eventually led me to the Intuitive Defensive Shooting Program.
I took my first CFS class in 2015 and was completely blown away by the intuitive nature of the program. For the first time I was getting real answers to the “why” questions that I had been asking. The more I delved into the program, the more I was convinced that this was what was missing from all other training. Once I understood the underlying methodologies, I was able to apply them to other things that I had learned and this gave me a whole new level of competence and understanding.
What was so compelling for me about CFS was the science behind the program. Understanding not only the physics and environmental factors, but how we process, and act upon incoming information. The CFS program has kept me learning far beyond the class, and the range. This is a huge shift from most other programs, that have become ridged, and dogmatic. CFS is readily adaptive to changing with new information.
The students get so much more from the CFS program as well. By understanding how we are likely to react in a violent encounter, students are better able to train themselves to respond. CFS eliminates the cumbersome doctrine of fighting your natural instincts.
I believe that the scientific basis and intuitive learning of this program has, and will continue to redefine the way we train for self defense.
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