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Deryck Poole – Sarasota, FL



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Deryck is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and the founder and director of training for Echo-5 Training Group. He is also a senior Intuitive Defensive Shooting instructor and works for I.C.E. Training as a staff instructor and outside instructor liaison. He holds certifications from I.C.E. Training and Glock Inc, plus multiple NRA instructor certifications.

Deryck has been shooting his entire life and still owns the rifle he was taught to shoot with at 8 years old. He has 17+ years of experience as an instructor. He conducted training for both combat and non-combat personnel while serving as a rifleman and range safety NCO in the Marines. He continues to work with both armed professionals and lawfully armed citizens as a firearms and defensive shooting instructor. He believes all instructors should consider themselves a student first, so he regularly attends training from some of the world’s top instructors. He is a contributing author at the Personal Defense Network and is a charter member of the Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors.

Why CFS:

We have empirical evidence about how fights go down and how our bodies react during a lethal threat. The Intuitive Defensive Shooting course acknowledges these “Body’s Natural Reactions” and teach our students techniques and that work well with what the body will do naturally.

While in the Marines we had a mantra we would follow, “Expect the worst and anything less is a bonus.”

CFS fits this mantra in that it is all about context, the context of the violent ambush attack (worst case scenario). The vast majority of us are limited in time and money so we must get the greatest value possible for our training dollars. So training techniques that work in the worst case scenario will work in non-ambush situations.
The program evolves and progresses with the more we learn about how fights actually happen, how criminals act, new technology (firearms and ammunition), and how the body responds to lethal threats.


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