Barret Kendrick – Covington, LA
(985) 892-4119| barret@BearcoTraining.com |www.bearcotraining.comBio:
Barret Kendrick is founder and lead instructor at Bearco Training in Covington, Louisiana. As Louisiana’s premier reality-based training center, Bearco Training
specializes in providing practical defensive skills for everyday people.
As a full-time instructor, he has dedicated himself and his company to provide realistic defensive training to responsible armed citizens, law enforcement, members of our armed forces. Throughout his region and nationally, he works with hundreds of students annually in defensive shooting and force-on-force training.
Barret carries numerous instructor-level certifications for defensive shooting, LE range/shoothouse operations, and scenario-based force-on-force training.
Why CFS:
As an instructor, I have found so many students who decide to get professional training, do so out of the context of their daily lives. After studying this program, I found it fit the lives of myself and students, whether they were private citizens, military, or law enforcement.
I want to offer practical training to my students that could be used defensively in real life, caught-off-guard moments that require the violence of a firearm to survive, not for a zombie apocalypse.
Training for so long has not taken our instinctive reactions in to account, which has led to a student’s training not helping them when they needed it most. This translates to the student being forced to improvise themselves through what is already a chaotic and threatening time of their life.
The Intuitive Defensive Shooting program fits this need and many others; it is for this reason I chose to move further along as an instructor with it.
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