April 22, 2019
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
This course will introduce students to the fundamental tactics recommended for Armed Home Defense. This is not a "CQB", "Room Clear" or other pseudo-team tactics course pulled from military or law enforcement doctrine for trained teams looking for threats. This course material is designed to be applied in the home, workplace or public building by one person, potentially with family or others, to evade a threat or move to a position of advantage as safely as possible or to engage a threat as efficiently as possible, using corners, concealment and cover to their advantage.
Open to:
General Public / Law Enforcement / Military / Private Security
Cost: $250
Please bring the following gear to the course (per person):
- Pistol
- Good quality belt, holster and magazine carrier
- 300 rounds of ammunition
- At least 3 magazines
- Handheld Flashlight
- Eye and ear protection.
- Notebook and Pen
- -(optional) Copy of "Defend Yourself" Book, by Rob Pincus
- Sunscreen, bug spray, and/or sufficient protective clothing based on the forecast weather conditions.
If you serve or are employed in an armed capacity, we recommend you train with your duty gear. For concealed carry permit holders, we recommend that you start the course with an outside the waistband holster, but bring your concealed carry rig if you want to get some reps using that setup.
Students should arrive at 8:30AM and be ready to begin class by 9:00AM. Plan on about an hour lunch break, and an ending time of between 5-6PM. There is a debriefing at the end of the day.
Venue: Cape Gun Works
Venue Phone: (508) 771-3600
Venue Website: https://www.capegunworks.com/